All content is my personal opinion and I am always happy to debate on the issues that I write about. No need to be kind, but a constructive approach is greatly favourable rather than negative criticism!!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Let the people seize the agenda.

So we're well off the starting blocks and on our way, the campaign has started and it's a mere two years until the referendum. With the No campaign (or however they are choosing to style it) launch this coming Friday,  all of Scotland's political parties are ramping up for the fight of their lives and the rhetoric is already feisty as they compete for our attention and our opinions.  The line has been drawn in the sand between the sides, and all oblivious to the rolling of eyes and heavy sighs of the electorate they are trying to charm, because I think that everyone can see, that in spite of the fact this Referendum is unprecedented in UK history, it is becoming increasingly apparent that  the political parties have only one mode of campaigning.  They have to persuade us, they have to gain our vote, they have to do as they have always done and "get their message across".  What they don't realise is that we are in completely new territory altogether and this is not going to be they way to win the Referendum from either side.
The Referendum may be about politics, but it most certainly is not about political parties.  The SNP can't win the Yes vote, only the people of Scotland can, because an Independent Scotland is our prize, not theirs.  While the Unionist parties continue to attack Alex Salmond and try to conflate the idea of an Independent Scotland with some kind of notion of perpetual SNP government in Holyrood they are showing quite blatantly their inability to slip out of the game of party politics (which is like the Game of Thrones but a little less bloody and a lot less sexy).  It's almost sickening to listen to them as they play the man and not the ball continually and has me wishing for a red card in my pocket so I can send all of them off the field.  Apologies now for all the mixing of metaphors!
The SNP, in their desperation to be seen as positive and whiter than white in the campaign are walking into their own trap too.  The slickness of presentation is amazing, but it lacks humanity. The careful massaging of their message is understandable, but comes across as borderline control freakery.  The recent fracas over the  alleged threat of the Greens to walk out of the Yes Scotland campaign, while it was greatly exaggerated by the media and not the whole truth by a long stretch, illustrates an underlying problem with the campaign as it stands.  Perhaps it is time for the SNP to learn to let go of their cherished ideological baby and let it grow up for itself?
Illusions by Richard Bach opens with a parable about creatures clinging to the rocks in a river.  They are safe, comfortable but inexperienced with the larger world.  One of the creatures decides it's going to try and let go as it wants to experience what lies down river.  The other creatures plead with it not to, but it goes it;s own way none the less.  It gets battered and bruised on it's journey, it learns and experiences much, and comes out of the process a much wiser creature than it began.
The Referendum campaign needs to be freed from the clinging insecurities of all the political parties, and it needs to be allowed to run free among the people so that new ideas and ways of looking at things can be absorbed into the debate, both Independence and the Union.  It will quickly become stale, if it isn't already, while both "sides" of the debate rehash and reiterate the same old tired notions and arguments.  Do you think that a radical proposal that might actually save the Union will come from any involved political party?  Of course not, they are already all far too well trained to step outside the boxes drawn for them by their political masters.  Will truly radical ideas about how an Independent Scotland will work come from politicians?  Not while Alex Salmonds softly, softly strategy remains in place.
Efforts are being made by the Yes Scotland campaign to be inclusive and non-party political, but this is a false premise really, as it is still ultimately run by political parties.  The website is very swish, designed with social networking in mind and struggling very hard to be inclusive, but facebook is already doing it better without trying because through facebook people are self-organising.  The No campaign website suffered some leakage recently, as did the Tory campaign Friends of the Union prior to it's launch.  It all smacks of them giving us the chance to talk about it while still trying to keep hold of the agenda for themselves, in truth, and that is a terrible shame really.
It's not necessary any more, from either side, to be so rigid and controlled in this debate.  This is not a General Election where the parties are selling themselves to the people.  It's not like any of them are going to lose seats come the morning after the vote this time, it's not like any party will gain new power or authority the next morning either.  This is not about them, it's about Scotland and where her people decide to take her.
So what can we do to seize control of the agenda then?  How can we reign in our politicians and prevent them from putting the rest of us off the debate entirely?  It's not really that hard.  As I already said, groups are already self-organising on facebook, some of them with specific agendas and some of them as general discussion and news groups.  Being that we are mostly geographically close enough, it isn't much of a leap for these groups to start working together offline too.  Of course, it's not all about facebook - that's just what I am personally best at.  The blogoshpere has long been host to a nation of Cybernats and can also be a source of alternative debate on the referendum.  We are slowly learning how to bypass the mainstream media that is often so closed minded and restrictive about the referendum, and we can learn to bypass the politicians too by organising our own events, media and discussions that will allow a truly diverse range of voices to be heard
We no longer need the politicians to talk to us, we can start talking to each other and take control of the debate for ourselves.  We don't need to be given different options by either side of the debate, we don't even need them to listen to us, so long as we are listening to each other, because the political parties need us - they need all of us - to make this decision for them.  We can turn around and dictate to them what terms it will take for us to vote either yes or no.  If we want, for example, control over the process of writing a new constitution, we have the power now to come together online and in our towns and villages and tell them this is what we want and this is what it will take for us to vote yes in the Referendum.  We can force these issues because in  post-referendum Scotland all of the political parties will be scrabbling to re-align themselves with the new landscape of Scottish Politics.  For the political parties of Scotland there will be a whole load of new powers suddenly available to them, but they must ask us to grant those powers to them.  That's where the true power in Scotland lies, now and in 2014.


  1. Angela, I completely agree. This illustrates exactly what needs to happen to stop the debate and the campaign from being bitter, disengaging and divisive. Your focus on social media as a grassroots organising tool is a particularly important idea - we could also begin looking at the tactics of participative democracy movements like Occupy. We could, for example, use facebook, twitter and various blogs to stage guerilla public forums for Independence across our cities, taking advantage of whatever nice weather we can find to re-take our public spaces and hold constructive, inclusive and non-partisan discussions over the future of the country. Great article!

    1. Love the idea of Guerilla forums! Flashmobs for independence would be good too, as they have done in Catalonia so well. Social media can be so enabling - I greatly admire what the Occupy movement has done with it.

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